  Manycom Message
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Base Module Description

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  • provides the base functions and features for the other MCM modules
  • includes monitors, transfer directory, log files, user interface, APIs, etc.
  • usually (but not necessarily) needed in the MCM installation

Manycom Message Base (MCM Base) is an optional module of Manycom Message (MCM), a comprehensive software package for automated messaging and file transfer.

The Base module is the 'soul' or engine of the MCM product. It consists of the common functions and features needed by the other modules (e.g. Email, Fax…) for sending and receiving messages and files. It provides also the user interface displays, APIs, basic data conversion, and other base features.

MCM Base includes also basic features for data conversion and automated operations. The optional modules Data File Conversion and Advanced Automation may be needed for more advanced operations.

For more information about the general structure of MCM, see the MCM Product description and the MCM configuration in Try & Buy.

Manycom Message General Strcuture

MCM Base consists of the general features and functions such as:

User interfaces APIs Monitor Programs
Transfer directory Sending queues Scheduling
Priority controls Logging Security controls
Data conversion Script editor Script interpreter
Maintenance functions Base automation Etc.

Supported AS/400 object types

The end users can create a new or select practically any existing 'original' AS/400 object type such as an OfficeVision/400 document, a PC file in an AS/400 shared folder, an AS/400 database file, a spool file, or a 'short message', and then request to send it as any supported message or file transfer type to one or multiple receivers.

MCM automatically takes care of the needed conversions and sending of the messages in the background.

The above described functionality apply also when sending from applications, although the applications typically send via the MCM APIs only database and spool files.

When receiving different messages, MCM performs automatically the needed data conversions, and saves the output into work files (AS/400 data base files) in the configured libraries, or saves the messages and files in stream files in the configured directories.

The automation features included in the MCM Base

Generally, MCM base and the configured messaging and file transfer modules together include all the needed features for sending messages and files automatically from the user interface screens and from the applications via the MCM APIs.

MCM Base is also capable to take care of the automatic receiving operations, when retrieving the messages, files and the related control information from the servers, e.g. POP3 or FTP servers.

The Advanced Automation module is needed only for advanced sending automation, if the application doesn't call the MCM API, but instead MCM should poll the desired libraries, directories or output queues in order to find out the messages or files to send out. Advanced Automation is also necessary for polling and identifying the received messages and data files in order to start the proper applications to process them. The identification is based on the name, subject or contents of the messages and files.

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